Goal-Oriented Training
Start by defining your fitness goals—whether it’s health, fat loss, or muscle gain. The timeline for achieving these goals is crucial; shorter timelines require more specific training, while longer ones allow for broader approaches. Focused training for six to ten weeks can lead to better results, emphasizing the importance of intention behind your workouts.In this clip
From this podcast
Rena Malik, MD Podcast
How Strength and Endurance Training will Save Your Life (and your Sex Life too!)
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How should goals be set for incorporating various aspects of fitness into a yearly program that changes every quarter, as discussed in the episode Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity | Huberman Lab Guest Series and the clip Comprehensive Fitness Program? Should all aspects have equally intense goals, or should the focus be on one aspect per quarter?
How should goals be set for incorporating various aspects of fitness into a yearly program that changes every quarter, as discussed in the episode Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity | Huberman Lab Guest Series and the clip Strategic Fat Loss? Should all aspects have equally intense goals, or should the focus be on one aspect per quarter?
In the episode How Strength and Endurance Training will Save Your Life (and your Sex Life too!) and the clip Diverse Training Approaches in the series with Andy Galpin, they talk about incorporating various aspects of fitness into a yearly program that changes every quarter. How should goals be set? Should all aspects have equally intense goals, or should the focus be on one aspect per quarter?