Genetic Variations Explained
A fascinating exploration of how a single genetic mutation can dramatically alter an individual's physiology, as seen with Arrow's unique EPO receptor. This mutation resulted in a hyperactive receptor, challenging traditional doping tests and leading to the development of the athlete passport system. The discussion highlights the complexity of genetics and how small variations can have significant impacts on human performance.In this clip
From this podcast
Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin
Genetic Testing for Sports Performance | Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin
Related Questions
How much of a role does genetics play in fitness and physical performance as discussed in the episode Genetic Testing for Sports Performance | Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin and the clip Gene Doping Insights?
How do genetics influence athletic potential as discussed in the episode Genetic Testing for Sports Performance | Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin and the clip Talent Identification Challenges?
How do genetics influence athletic potential as discussed in the episode Genetic Testing for Sports Performance | Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin and the clip Sports Genomics Evolution?