Published May 12, 2024

Top Exercise Scientist Shares his Life Hack for Optimal Performance

Dr. Andy Galpin delves into groundbreaking research on birth control for female athletes, shares his approach to daily non-negotiables emphasizing resilience, and explores the future of human performance through body awareness and evidence-based science.
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Episode Highlights

  • Resilience

    discusses his philosophy of resilience over routine. He believes in being able to perform at one's best under any circumstances, without relying on specific routines or conditions. This approach stems from his background and the need to adapt to various situations, especially when unexpected challenges arise.

    I need to be able, I believe, like, I should be able to perform under any circumstances at my best.


    emphasizes the importance of not becoming too dependent on routines, as it can lead to excuses and hinder performance 1.


    Daily Insights

    and discuss the importance of keeping detailed notes and data for future reference. regrets not maintaining his notes from school, highlighting the value of preserving information for long-term benefits. shares her experience of keeping anatomy notes, which she still refers to.

    I was really bad when I was in school of just keeping things. So there's all these notes, and I was the type where I'm like, as soon as the class was over, I threw everything away.


    They also touch on the future of human performance, noting the lack of data on optimal health and performance metrics 2 3.

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